Online Gift Registry

Referral Program will provide you with money for any successful referral that you make. It is QUICK, EASY, FREE (no costs) and PROFITABLE for YOU.

Your referral bonus is 10% of our service charge from the person you refer (for the first 2 years of their account).

This could be worth between $25 and $400 for every referral that you make - see the examples below for more information (based on a service charge of 5%).

Examples of Potential Income

  #Guests $Gift/Person Total Gifts Your Reward
Small Event 50 $100 $5,000 $25
Medium Event 100 $150 $15,000 $75
Large Event 400 $200 $80,000 $400

You can join now for free.

Learn more about how to earn your referral commission and create a new revenue stream for your business.

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